Raj followed his dreams to do more for people in need.

Raj started his career in residential aged care as an enrolled nurse. He soon discovered home care and knew this is where he could make the biggest difference. This inspired him to consider a Bachelor of Nursing, but he had to put his dream of further study on hold to support his young family.

At Silverchain, we know there is a need to deliver health and aged care differently, and the unique skill set of community care workers is more important than ever.

Soon Raj will be a fully qualified Registered Nurse, a lifelong dream made possible with the support of generous donations.

Raj completed his final eight week nursing placement in November last year and is now on his way to caring for Silverchain clients with more complex needs, something he’s been wanting to do for a long time. 

Raj loves making a difference for people in need and is excited to put his new knowledge and skills to use to provide the best possible care for Silverchain clients.