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In home aged care services
In home health care
03 May 2024

Bailey Blight’s passion for working  in health care was ignited early. As a teenager he worked in his family's cafe but always knew he wanted to help people. At the tender age of 16 he made the leap into the health care sector, working in a residential care facility while completing a Certificate III in Aged Care.

Obstacles didn’t deter Bailey. When the right courses weren’t offered at his high school, he took the initiative and enrolled in TAFE. This dedication led to steady progression and the completion of his Diploma in Nursing to become a Registered Nurse. 

Bailey started working at Silverchain as a Home Package Coordinator in  2019 at Silverchain’s Albany Service Centre. 

Bailey’s commitment and efficiency in this role caught the attention of his colleagues who decided to nominate him for a Best Care Award. These awards honour Silverchain staff who consistently make outstanding contributions while embodying our values of care, community, integrity, and excellence.  

Silverchain CEO, Dale Fisher AM, commended Bailey for his remarkable journey and highlighted him as a role model for career progression at Silverchain.

"You're a great example of progressing productively and being supported by your colleagues. Congratulations on winning the Best Care Award, Bailey," Dale said.

Reflecting on his journey, Bailey acknowledges the support and trust by his colleagues and believing in his abilities as a new Registered Nurse empowered him to continue his upward trajectory. 

“I’m constantly inspired by my colleagues’ dedication. Silverchain is a place where you feel supported to reach your full potential,” Bailey said.   

In March this year Bailey was appointed the Coordinator of Nursing for the great Southern Region in Western Australia. He oversees a team of 14 nurses. Alongside his leadership role, he’s studying for a Graduate Certificate in Community Nursing and Public Health, with plans to continue his education to become a Nurse Practitioner.

“If you’re passionate about helping people, a career in health care is incredibly fulfilling. Don’t be afraid to start small and dream big.” Bailey said. 

Inspired by Bailey’s story? Join our care team of over 4,500 clinical and community staff, and help us provide more care to more Australians each year. 

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