July, 1894 in Bowden, South Australia
In 1894 the District Trained Nursing Society (later renamed RDNS Silverchain) was established. Dr. Allan Campbell, the main force behind this philanthropic mission, aimed to care for those most in need amid the midst of severe poverty and economic depression. The Society provided skilled nursing care to very vulnerable people in their own homes.
Meanwhile in Western Australia
1944 - 2003
Growth during war time
The shadow of war was long in the years between 1914 and 1945. At home, the crisis of disease, illness and poverty had a major impact on many Australians. During this time, our organisation grew in size and sophistication to meet the needs of those who relied on us.
Growth during war time
The shadow of war was long in the years between 1914 and 1945. At home, the crisis of disease, illness and poverty had a major impact on many Australians. During this time, our organisation grew in size and sophistication to meet the needs of those who relied on us.
Domestic help in the home
Domestic help in the home
End-of-life care
In 1982 the Western Australian Government funded Silverchain’s first hospice and palliative care pilot, launched in response to research conducted by Silverchain in 1981. We are the pioneers of palliative care at home, with more than 40 years’ experience offering this clinical care and dignified support to Australians at the most difficult time in the most difficult circumstances.
End-of-life care
In 1982 the Western Australian Government funded Silverchain’s first hospice and palliative care pilot, launched in response to research conducted by Silverchain in 1981. We are the pioneers of palliative care at home, with more than 40 years’ experience offering this clinical care and dignified support to Australians at the most difficult time in the most difficult circumstances.
Expanding services across the country
2010 – Queensland
In 2010, Silverchain healthcare services commenced in Queensland, providing the vital Home Hospital program, which delivers hospital-level care to our clients in their homes. Today we continue to offer hospital in the home, as well as palliative care and specialist community care services.
2012 – New South Wales
For more than a decade, we have been supporting communities in New South Wales, including palliative care in the home for Western Sydney communities since 2017. We also provide care coordination, care navigation and health coaching for people chronic diseases and complex needs.
2016 – Victoria
In 2016, we launched our first services in Victoria. Today we provide care in the home via the Commonwealth Home Support Program and Home Care Packages. Our multidisciplinary team provide care and coordination to support clients to remain living in their home.