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Best care beyond borders
For Henri and Kaye Le'Fevre, a couple in their 80s from Perth, the prospect of visiting their daughter Nicole on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast was a source of joy and anticipation. However, their declining health raised concerns about their ability to undertake the lengthy journey from Perth, casting doubt over their long awaited reunion.
Nicole and her sister Monique were torn between their desire to support the quality time with their parents and protecting their health. They reached out to Silverchain's Perth team inquiring about the possibility of maintaining their parents' care while they stayed on the Sunshine Coast.
Understanding the significance of this trip for the Le'Fevre family and the respite it would provide for Monique (their carer), Silverchain Home Care Package Coordinator Claire Collins was determined to make the family holiday a reality.
Claire carefully planned a seamless transition, working closely with the Silverchain teams in both Perth and the Sunshine Coast. Many phone calls, detailed paperwork, and unwavering attention to detail were the building blocks of a well crafted plan.
"We shared the information with the team in Queensland, and they worked tirelessly on a seamless transition."
"It was an amazing experience to see our Perth and Sunshine Coast teams come together to help the Le'Fevre family," Claire added.
As the trip approached, there was some nervous anticipation for the Le'Fèvres, but they felt calm and reassured by their bi-coastal care teams.
Nicole expressed her heartfelt gratitude, remarking that having Silverchain services in Queensland allowed them to reunite as a family and instilled in her parents a renewed sense of independence. Nicole's joy was palpable as Henri and Kaye arrived in the sunshine state.
"My mum and dad could travel, visit new places, and enjoy family time while maintaining their independence and not feeling like they were a burden to their family," Nicole said.
"Hearing my parents laugh and have a great time with the Silverchain team during the visits meant the world to me," Nicole added. "Silverchain gave me peace of mind, and I knew Mum and Dad were okay."
Thank you to our Perth and Sunshine Coast teams for delivering best care, coast to coast.