Receiving care at home, can help your child feel better and recover faster.
Our Paediatric nurses can attend to your child's needs by providing the following care:
- hydration assessment and management
- respiratory assessment and management
- asthma assessment and education
- managing central venous access devices (CVAD)
- medication education and management
- diabetes advice and support
- wound care.
To find out how to get started, call our Contact Centre on 1300 650 803 or complete our enquiry form today.
Call usAlby's story
Little superstar Alby challenges expectations with the support of RDNS nurses.
In home Nursing Services
Tailored in home nursing care to help manage and support your health care needs.
Refer to us
To refer or for more information, call 1300 364 264 and ask to speak to our paediatric team.
Paediatric Nursing services
Paediatric nursing services are available in Adelaide, South Australia (SA).
You will need to be referred to this program by the SA Health Metropolitan Referral Unit (MRU).
This program is funded by SA Health and is free for clients with a referral.
News feature
Mahlia is at home, and, with a little bit of help from the RDNS Silverchain, she’s thriving.