
We believe everyone has the right to receive the care they need comfortably at home, surrounded by friends and family.

Nearly 70% of Australians would prefer to die at home but only 15% are able to do so.1

With over 40 years of experience, Silverchain provides palliative care for people with life-limiting illnesses in Western Australia (WA), South Australia (SA), New South Wales (NSW), and Queensland (QLD). Our expert care team works together with you and your family to provide compassionate, sensitive, and culturally appropriate care.

Our care team can help you to:

  • Understand your illness and adapt to the changes in your health.
  • Manage your pain and symptoms.
  • Monitor your medications to reduce side effects.
  • Provide your family and carers with the support they need.

Other services we provide can include personal care, social support, nursing, and allied health services to meet your physical, psychological, social, and spiritual needs.

We’re here for you at all stages of your journey. You can receive care for several days or months at a time depending on your needs, and access 24/7 in-person, video, or phone support.

We will also keep your health professionals informed.

1 Productivity Commission

To find out how to get started, call our Contact Centre on 1300 650 803 or complete our enquiry form. today. 

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Related links

In home Nursing Services 

Tailored in home nursing care to help manage and support your health care needs.

Read more

In home Allied Health Services

Support to restore, maintain and improve your wellbeing at home.

Read more

In home Aged Care Services

From a little support at home to regular nursing care.

Read more

Refer to us

If you are a health professional, here’s how you can refer your patients to our palliative care services: 

WA Palliative Care 
SA Palliative Care 

For enquiries in Queensland and other states, you can contact our referral team. 

In home Palliative Care services

Our Community Specialist Palliative Care program is available in Perth, and includes care for people with dementia.  

Availability varies by capacity and location. Contact us to see what is available in your area. 

People living in Perth diagnosed with a life-limiting condition where their symptoms cannot be managed by existing health care supports may be eligible for this program.

You will need a referral from your medical practitioner or specialist at your GP practice or local hospital.

Private Care

All people aged 18 and over are eligible for private services.

This program is funded by the Department of Health WA and is free for clients with a referral.

In home Palliative Care

In home Palliative Care services are not currently available in New South Wales. 

In home Palliative Care services are not currently available in New South Wales. 

In home Palliative Care services are not currently available in New South Wales. 

In home Palliative Care services

Our Palliative Nursing Care program is available in Adelaide, South Australia (SA).

Private Care

We also provide palliative care services privately in Adelaide. 

Availability varies by location. Contact us to see what is available in your area. 

People living in Adelaide diagnosed with a life-limiting condition and able to receive the care they need at home may be eligible for this program.

You will need to be referred to this program by the SA Health Metropolitan Referral Unit (MRU).

Private Care

All people aged 18 and over are eligible for private services.

This program is funded by SA Health and is free for clients with a referral.

Private Care

For private services, contact us today for a quote.

In home Palliative Care services

This program is not available in Victoria.

This program is not available in Victoria.

This program is not available in Victoria. 

In home Palliative Care services

Our Specialised Palliative Care program is accessible within the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service (SCHHS) catchment area. 

Private Care

We also provide palliative care services privately in this area. 

Eligibility is assessed by your hospital clinical team.

Private Care

All people aged 18 or over are eligible for private services.

This program is funded by the SCHHS and is free for clients with a referral.

Private Care

For private services, contact us today for a quote.

News feature

Silverchain palliative care clinician Dr Mary McNulty was recognised as a finalist for the inaugural National Palliative Care Lifetime Achievement Award.