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We can help you change providers or to receive support today.

If you need government funding to help pay for your aged care services, you can choose a provider before, during or after you have been assessed for care.  

It is important that you understand the total value of your funding package, and that your chosen provider can provide the care or services you need.  At Silverchain, we provide a comprehensive range of care, from a little help at home, to more complex hospital level care. 

Changing your provider 

You are in control of your care, and this includes choosing your provider. If your situation has changed or you want to explore what services Silverchain can provide, our friendly team can help. We make it easy to change to our complete and proven care services – and we will be pleased to welcome you!

The good news is that you don’t need to have another assessment to change providers, so there's no break in your services. Our expert care team are here to help you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so call us today to get the help you need to change.

If you decide to self manage your Home Care Package (HCP), we can provide you with the services you need while you control of your funds and care plan.

Care while you wait, or access to more care & support

You can receive the services you want without a government assessment through private care

Our private care or fee for service care is available to anyone who would like in home health and aged care services in Western Australia (WA), South Australia (SA), Victoria (VIC), and Queensland (QLD). In VIC, our private services are called Silverchain Private Care

With private care, it is easier and faster for you to get the services you need. You have greater choice and flexibility over your care, because you can have as much or as little support as you like and add or remove services as your needs change. 

If you’re looking for private care management support, our expert care managers can give you the guidance you need to manage your care and look after your wellbeing. 

To get started with Silverchain, call our Contact Centre on 1300 650 803 for national enquiries and 1300 364 264 for South Australia (SA) or complete our enquiry form today.

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Why choose Silverchain

Why Silverchain could be your service provider.

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Applying for funded aged care

A step by step guide on how to apply for funded aged care services.

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Fees and charges

Learn more about the fees and co-contributions that may apply to the health and aged care services you’re receiving.

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In home aged care services

Support to maintain your health and independence, so you can keep doing the things that are important to you.

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In home health care 

Holistic health care and hospital level care at home. 

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Our aged and health care services

We have a comprehensive range of services including in home aged care and health care services.

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Refer to us

To receive government funded aged care, please contact My Aged Care through their online form, calling 1800 200 422. Alternatively your GP can make an e-referral.

Refer to us

To receive government funded aged care, please contact My Aged Care through their online form, calling 1800 200 422. Alternatively your GP can make an e-referral.